Chocolate vegan party tricks, the not-so-guilty pleasure

Vegan recipes have officially gone to a whole new level. No longer about the simple staples like beans, rice and fruit bowls (yawn), we have gotten advanced with our taste palettes. It had to happen! This recipe can be enjoyed whether vegan or not. Be the life of any party with organic, low glycemic chocolate treats that taste as good as any cheap n’ nasty candy, if not better.
I have made these chocolates and watched children devour them within minutes, before the adults have even had the chance to sniff around them, always the first plate to disappear! And if kids like it then you know you have struck gold in the taste buds depo!
I don’t know about you but I love to indulge AND give my body the best of everything, and that includes what I share with my friends and family. I love decadence, with the great twist of being incredibly good for you. Food that makes you feel sexy, energetic and not tired. No crash, just highs all the way! Alittle goes a long way and we all deserve the best of everything, right?!

Let dessert be thy medicine!

Organic Chocolate Ingredients:

- 1 cup raw cacao butter or coconut oil (if using coconut oil the finished chocolate must be refrigerated)

- ½ cup raw cacao powder 

- ½ cup lucuma or mesquite

- 2 tbsp agave or maple syrup

- 1 tbsp maca (optional)

- 1 tsp vanilla extract

- ½ tsp Himalayan salt

Organic Cashew, peanut butter or any nut butter filling:

- 8 oz nut butter of choice

- 3 tbsp agave or maple syrup

- 1 tsp White American Ginseng (optional)

- ½ tsp vanilla

- Pinch Himalayan salt

- 2 tbsp cacao nibs of you want filling to have crunch)

How to make!

  • Double boil to melt the coconut or cacao butter, then take off heat.

  • Place rest of chocolate ingredients into butter and whisk until smooth.

  • Pour half of the chocolate mixture into candy bar molds, and place in fridge to set.

  • In a separate bowl mix together the nut butter ingredients.

  • Once chocolate has set, use a spoon to place nut butter filling into candy bar molds, and use remaining liquid chocolate to cover the filling.

  • Place in fridge or freezer for an hour, and enjoy!

Side note:
My personal preference is organic raw cacao aka raw chocolate because it’s unprocessed/unroasted chocolate in the form of cacao beans cold pressed straight from the pod. Cacao is a nut that contains over 300 compound minerals including; the highest form of magnesium of any food known to man, iron, zinc, potassium, vitamin C, sulphur (the beauty mineral), tryptophan (the love chemical), anandamide (the bliss chemical), phenylethaylamine (PEA, the joy molecule), MAO inhibitor (appetite suppressant), and is one of the richest sources of anti-oxidants.
Without sugar, dairy products or extreme heating, the benefits of chocolate reach you in their pure state. The enzymes remain intact and the amazing properties of chocolate are untampered to be enjoyed to the fullest.


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