The magic of hot springs

People spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on beauty products and treatments. It doesn’t have to be that way! I had a facial for my birthday about 6 years ago for the first time in years and the therapist thought I’d had monthly facials elsewhere, and was shocked to discover I never have them.
Don’t get me wrong I love a good pamper. But my perception of what a good pamper is probably differs from some! If it’s not that rustic paradise haven of Two Bunch Palms in Desert Hot Springs, California, then a wild hot spring somewhere out there is where you’ll find me. Whether taking a road trip with my pooch, or with a friend, there’s nothing like being grounded in nature, soaking in hot water, listening to the birds, breathing in that fresh air and enjoying the view. Soaking under the stars while counting shooting stars is also underrated! There are so many magical hot spring options around the world, whether by the sea, in the mountains, in the desert, in the snow, but they all have one thing in common, they are off the beaten track.

There’s nothing more powerful than that free natural mud clay (!) and water that filters from inside the earth and through rock. As humans we are star dust, no beauty treatment will ever beat natures power. General beauty treatments are expensive watered down versions of the real thing, with added chemicals! That’s not so sexy to me! Keeping in mind isolated minerals from a bottle are a lot harder for the body to absorb. The natural mineral profile in hot springs differ from spring to spring and there are certain wild springs that you should not put your head under water in, so some research on where you are going is recommended. You can also ask the locals.
Once you find the best place near you, pack your picnic, switch off your phone, lay back and enjoy maximum rejuvenation! The hot mineral water is incredibly powerful for general wellness and deeply healing for all sorts of health conditions from joint, nerve and muscular function and pain, to skin rashes, body enzyme production, circulation, lymphatic drainage, calorie burning, and you absorb all the minerals you are soaking in on a medicinal level. The high sulphur and mineral content is incredibly beautifying to your hair, skin and nails. It makes you look and feel completely reborn. For me everything stays silky for days afterwards.
If you have never soaked before you may want to pace yourself and remember to drink loads of water even if you feel you don’t need to. You are sweating and dehydrating rapidly in the hot water and won’t always feel it. You’re welcome.
If you are lucky enough to be close to a cold water river nearby, then you can do that “hot & cold” thing, which is a massive bonus!
So when needing time out from our chaotic world, consider a great adventure into the wild, or to a hot spring spa location, where the real fountain of youth is on tap!


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